spoken word
As a spoken word artist I perform at a variety of locations, both on stage or at private events. I have experience in front of small, intimate audiences and larger groups of people. My poems and spoken word are down to earth, lighthearted and genuine. Often in Dutch, sometimes in English. I can write a custom poem for your event, loved one or anything of the like. Get in touch to see how we can collaborate.
spoken word performances
Studio Stoofpot managed my performance at the Conferentie Nationale Aanpak seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag en seksueel geweld hosted on March 21st. My words focused on the future of our society and how we can go against sexual harassment as a society.
Photo by Valerie Kuypers
I am represented by Spoken Agency. They invited me to be part of a campaign made by Wavemakers. A good example of how my spoken word can be part of visual concepts and performances. Find the result below.
Find some of my poems recorded through my Soundcloud.
I was invited by NPO1 - De Nacht is Zwart to record one of my poems for their Pride Special on July 30th, 2023. Listen to the snippet above.
As a spoken word artist I have specialised myself in writing short, genuine poems that have an erotic touch to them. Find a selection of them here. Some are in Dutch, some in English.
In collaboration with Dwaalgast (Nuno Dos Santos) I released my first EP, ‘Pad’ on Sohaso in May, 2021. Nuno and and I have been friends for years; after I started writing (erotic) poems in the summer of 2020, the idea arose to get into the studio and immerse my lyrics in the sounds of Dwaalgast.
The result is an EP with stories about connecting, going deep and the moon. About letting go and thinking about what matters. Pad gives Dutch spoken word a new spirit: where music, audio collage and words come together in a new way. She takes you to dark nights, sweaty armpits and long paths that you still seek to walk.
Support us on Bandcamp or stream through Spotify.
Artwork by Isa Grutter / @isa.grutter
Photo: Nathan Mooij
Photo: Nathan Mooij
live performance
The collaboration with Dwaalgast (Nuno Dos Santos) is developing itself in a unique live performance. Our first performance was on Kampeerterrein De Lievelinge in the Summer of 2021. Early 2022 we did a livestream performance at Future Intel. You can also listen to the live performance through Soundcloud.
Live performance @ Wat Anders 3FM 14/7/23
Livestream @ Future Intel 6/1/22
Live performance Sunset Ambient @ Kampeerterrein de Lievelinge 8/7/21